Optimised for
mozilla firefox

Create the skip

Questions to ask yourself before you start :

Which function to use ?

Pocket tool :
So you need a sketch ...

In what plane ? how ?

In (x, z) plane ;
With Rectangle tool.












Click on the steps of
the construction cycle

Select the plane that will support your construction

The choice of the drawing's positioning in the sketch of the previous step gives four possible choices to start the new sketch : 

- the red face in the in the plane
  of symmetry,

- XZ plane (the plane of symmetry),

- the green face,

- XY plane (coincident with the
  green face).

For more stability of the model, we will choose one of the reference planes, for exemple 
the (X, Y) plane that will correspond at a top view of the van.

Select this plane by left mouse click, either in the construction tree or in the 3D window if the general planes are visible.

(the Space key is used to hide or make visible any object in the tree).

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