Classic construction principle with the PartDesign WB
To start from a block of material, you can :
This additive primitive shape will then be dimensioned and positioned in the local frame of reference of the body by modifying its properties.
Example :
Default dimensions and position : |
Modified dimensions and position : |
Classic material addition features
Depending on the functionality chosen, you will need one or more sketch(es).
Each sketch must be built in a plane chosen beforehand among the 3 standard planes of the body, or specially created and positioned from these (datum or reference plane).
Each sketch outline will then be sized and positioned in the local coordinate system of the sketch plane chosen as the support.
We say that the sketch is "attached" to its support plane. If the support plane is moved, the sketch "follows" it.
We can also designate a flat face of the existing material as the support for a new sketch.
But although the problems of "topological naming" are practically solved, it is preferable in the case of complex models to avoid this technique
The construction of a plane contour which will serve as a support for the function of creation or removal of material is called a sketch.
A sketch is required for typical add or remove functions; for some functions you even need several (sweeping, smoothing).
A sketch should be closed (most often), without overlapping entities, without intersections.
A sketch can contain multiple closed contours, as long as they have nothing in common.
These contours must be in strong continuous lines. The "construction" lines (in blue in FreeCad) can be used for the positioning of entities but will not be taken into account by the creation functions.
Examples :