Classic construction principle with the PartDesign WB
Constraining the sketch combines two actions : (see all tools) 1 - Orient and position the entities of the sketch(es) contour(s) relative to the local coordinate system (origin, axes), using the tools defined below : 2 - Size these entities using the tools defined below :
Notes :
It is essential to constrain :
- to allow easy modifications when needed ;
- to create families of parts (standard elements or element libraries) ;
- to relate the dimensions of the different parts of an assembly
((the modification of the "pilot" part leads to the modification of the piloted parts).
The intuitive parameterization can be independent of the context of the object and consists in obtaining by all means a geometrically satisfactory 3D model.
The functional parameterization will use the relations of the part with its environment to judiciously choose the constraints to be used (compulsory in the industrial context).