Step 8 : create the half left hip then the half right hip by symmetry
In a new sketch created in the YZ plane, and after making the "SketchRoof" master sketch visible, create a carbon copy of this master sketch, then adapt it by adding the missing pilot parameters.
Create a reference plane in the plane of the roof section.
In a new sketch created in this plane, create the contour geometry of the hip.
Create an extrusion with a length equal to the thickness of the rafter.
In a new sketch created in the same reference plane, and from the master
sketch "SketchRoof", create the geometry to cut out the end of the hip.
Create a pocket to cut off the end of the hip pad.
In a new sketch created in a reference plane located on the surface top
of the wall, construct the normal to the parting line between two sides
consecutive roofs.
In a new sketch created in a perpendicular reference plane to the previous
normal, create a geometry to remove the superfluous material.
Create a pocket to remove excess material from the hip pad.
Create the right half hip by symmetry / YZ (Part WB tool).